Gang escapes with £75k haul from art theft
Jul 3 2007
By Mark Mudie
BALACLAVA-CLAD burglars stole more than £75,000-worth of paintings from a Godstone mansion in a late-night raid.
Surrey Police has released pictures of the paintings, described as "distinctive", hoping that someone might have seen them and can help them trace the thieves.
Five men broke into a house in Leigh Place Lane, between 11pm on Wednesday, May 30 and 1am on Thursday, May 31 and snatched a number of paintings, all worth thousands of pounds.
Their haul included a pair of Thomas Hand paintings worth an estimated £26,000, a George White and a George Knapton picture each worth about £15,800, and a John Heins Senior worth £14,000.
Most of the stolen goods were oil on canvas paintings, including Sir Godfrey Kneller's Portrait of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough valued at £4,800, John Heins Senior's Portrait of Lydia Harvey, George Knapton's Portrait of a Boy Archer and Thomas Hand's Gypsy family Outside a Barn and Peasants and a Pig.
By Mark Mudie
BALACLAVA-CLAD burglars stole more than £75,000-worth of paintings from a Godstone mansion in a late-night raid.
Surrey Police has released pictures of the paintings, described as "distinctive", hoping that someone might have seen them and can help them trace the thieves.
Five men broke into a house in Leigh Place Lane, between 11pm on Wednesday, May 30 and 1am on Thursday, May 31 and snatched a number of paintings, all worth thousands of pounds.
Their haul included a pair of Thomas Hand paintings worth an estimated £26,000, a George White and a George Knapton picture each worth about £15,800, and a John Heins Senior worth £14,000.
Most of the stolen goods were oil on canvas paintings, including Sir Godfrey Kneller's Portrait of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough valued at £4,800, John Heins Senior's Portrait of Lydia Harvey, George Knapton's Portrait of a Boy Archer and Thomas Hand's Gypsy family Outside a Barn and Peasants and a Pig.
The burglars also got away with a number of original paintings in the raid, including Shooting Party by George White.
Investigating officer Detective Constable Claire Langley said the paintings were "very distinctive" and would be recognisable to anyone who had seen them.
She said: "These are very distinctive items. They are easily recognisable so someone may remember seeing them for sale either in a shop, a car boot sale or perhaps on the Internet.
"Surrey Police will work to specifically target burglars and handlers of stolen goods."
"I am appealing to members of the art community to contact me,or Crimestoppers in confidence,if you have any information regarding the whereabouts of these valuable paintings."
Art Hostage Comments:
Credit to Surrey Police if they are serious about targeting art thieves and stolen art handlers.
Not for the last decade have Police used pro-active methods in tackling art related crime.
Lets hope Surrey Police Hurl themselves into this new adventure !!

Who knows, Surrey Police could, and should find themselves in the same position as their American counterparts, below !!
Gang whistleblower guilty, faces six years
BARNSTABLE — The repentant, former thug who turned state's evidence on a notorious Cape crime ringleader pleaded guilty to more than 50 counts in Barnstable Superior Court yesterday.
Jason Sylvester, 29, admitted his role in dozens of break-ins, mostly from 2002 to 2004, orchestrated by George Upton, 54, who some have called the Whitey Bulger of Cape Cod.
Standing next to Judge Gary Nickerson's bench, Sylvester's eyes welled with tears. He sniffled and wiped his face with a tissue as he pleaded guilty to the long list of crimes. Though he cooperated with investigators to help bring down co-defendants, he will be sentenced to six years in the Barnstable County Correctional Facility for his part in at least three assaults.
In one assault, he was with others who beat and robbed a man at the Hyannisport Brewing Company. Sylvester told Nickerson he tried to stop accomplice Stanley Gonsalves from stomping the back of the victim's head. "I just didn't want the kid to die," Sylvester said.
In another assault, a 63-year-old man working the desk of Town 'N Country Motor Lodge in West Yarmouth was beaten with a tire iron in the head while Sylvester tried, unsuccessfully, to open a safe before taking the man's wallet.
Sylvester also admitted to his role in the beating of a man after the crew pulled him out of bed in his Cotuit home. Nickerson asked him why he participated. "George Upton ordered that we go in there and do what we did," Sylvester, thin and with closely cropped dark hair, said meekly. "It's a long, long story."
"I'm extremely ashamed of everything I've done," Sylvester said outside after court.
He is due back in Barnstable Superior Court July 9 to begin his sentence: two years each for three of the beatings and five years probation for the rest of the charges. Sylvester could be out after three years if he receives the earliest possible probation on each two-year stint. His attorney, Robert Manning Jr., called the sentence fair considering the facts in the assaults.
"It's been a long road with George Upton," said Sylvester, adding he was glad to help recover as much of the stolen property as he could.
Sylvester, whose cooperation helped solidify cases against Upton and at least four others, said he had borrowed money from Upton. He repaid the debt with dirty work.
"It was just hell on Earth" waiting for a call from Upton for the next job, Sylvester said. And whether he received probation or life in prison — a possibility for the robbery charge — he didn't care. "I'm just glad it's over with," he said. "In the end, this is what it gets you."
Sylvester is the latest and the last of Upton's young underlings to plead guilty for his role in the string of crimes, which included breaking into businesses in Barnstable, Dennis, Brewster, Chatham, Yarmouth and Harwich, stealing safes, cash registers, and luxury goods. A theft from Eden Hand Arts in East Dennis netted the crew about $800,000 in jewelry, prosecutors said. In their crime spree, Sylvester and others even smashed the window on a parked b-bus, grabbing $10,000 worth of coin boxes stored onboard.
Sylvester admitted he was concerned for his safety after cooperating with prosecutors. He'll serve his sentence in the same facility as Vincent Alberico, 25, Upton's son, who pleaded guilty and was sentenced in March to up to six years.
"We will do what is necessary to protect both," prosecutor Brian Glenny said, declining to elaborate.
Also in March, co-defendants Stanley Gonsalves and brother Joshua Gonsalves got three and four years, respectively, in state prison. Mark Fornal was sent to prison for three to five years for felony larceny, breaking and entering at night, and arson of a house.
And then there's Upton.
Known for his wit and politeness before officials, Upton is serving 13½ years in federal prison for money laundering and tax evasion, after which he'll serve seven to 10 years in a state prison for his role in the Cape break-ins. He was suspected but never charged in the 1998 disappearance of Steven Queen.
"Upton was playing a Fagin role" and would "entice these young men," Glenny said, referring to the Charles Dickens villain who had a band of children do his bidding, mainly pickpocketing.
"I'm very optimistic that he has seen the error of his ways," Glenny said of Sylvester.

Some Public reaction to Informing below.
View All Comments IGGY412July 03, 2007 10:08 AM
View All Comments IGGY412July 03, 2007 10:08 AM
report violation i knew jason as a teenager, he lived on my street, he was a good kid who needed a good male role model its to bad he found upton to fill what he thought he needed...... now his life is over, just because he will always be known as a snitch. [full message]qnessJuly 02, 2007 05:49 PM
report violation ooooooooooooo please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [full message]qnessJuly 02, 2007 05:48 PM
report violation he wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [full message]qnessJuly 02, 2007 05:46 PM
report violation why can't you believe this stuff goes on on the cape, we're no different then any other place....... you can go any where in the united states and you will find this type of #### is going on, i grew up in a small town in maine and this #### went on, do you really believe that the west coast is the only place that there are scum? so do you believe that down south is the only place the kkk do their thing???????? and the black panthers only exist in la???????????? [full message]stpetecapecodderJuly 02, 2007 10:25 AM
report violation what a bunch of scumbags. I cant believe that Stanley is only in jail for only 3 years. what he did outside of the brew co. is attempted murder and he should be away for allot longer. Sylvester did what is right and should be given protected custody and to all you so called thugs, you are all small time petty and would never make it in the real city. [full message]AGeicoCavemanJuly 01, 2007 04:33 PM
report violation He is now a certified pillow biter [full message]DLP63July 01, 2007 03:10 PM
report violation fat slob thief [full message]stormcareyJuly 01, 2007 10:44 AM
report violation THEY ALL GOT WHAT THEY DESERVED...... SO NOW ON TO THE NEXT CRIME SPREE CLEAN UPS [full message]duderuleJuly 01, 2007 10:33 AM
report violation i cant believe this kinda stuff is on cape. i delt with #### like this in LA. if u want to be a thug, take it to LA/NY/or even Boston. just keep it off the cape. people like this make me sick. sit and think about ur wrong, and watch ur life pass by in the cell. For the others , ur fate is like that of ur predecessors. rot in jail. [full message]ElligantzJuly 01, 2007 05:32 AM
report violation No, Upton is not even CLOSE to a WHITEY BULGER(maybe a Wannabe.....) He is just a lowest of all scumbags and I am glad he is in jail! ...there is some more scumbags here on the mid-cape(#### of Uptons) that they should put back in jail, also! [full message]yourconsciousJune 30, 2007 09:30 PM
report violation Sylvester is the definition of a rat. He gave up everyone around him to save himself. He's the farthest thing from a real man. I wish him well in jail, he's going to need it. [full message]ItsHimJune 30, 2007 08:50 PM
report violation You know there are still UPTONs on the Cape right... [full message]ItsHimJune 30, 2007 08:47 PM
report violation I would be very careful on what you say there are still UPTONs on the Cape and that could visit the Cape.... To all that want to run off at the mouth. Jason Sylvester is a snitch and a coward, I personally know this I grew up with him. More then half the cap consist of what was sentenced today... [full message]Froto90June 30, 2007 03:54 PM
report violation Jason Sylvester did what was right in my eyes, he stood up like a real man, a strong hearted soul who could take the consequences. Thanks to him Cape Cod will be a much safer place!(Without a man like George Upton to currupt vulnerable young men like Jason Sylvester [full message]roydixonJune 30, 2007 12:24 PM
report violation At least Upton got his. The "Whitey Bulger of Cape Cod" will be in his 70s by the time he's released from prison. If we had a real criminal justice system, he'd be in his 80s when [full message]rudeintruderJune 30, 2007 09:45 AM
report violation LOWLIFE SCUMBAGS [full message]ojdiditJune 30, 2007 09:33 AM
report violation A pack of teary eyed losers. [full message]KiotiJune 30, 2007 08:48 AM
report violation Whitey Bulger of Cape Cod? not quite [full message]

Would you take a chance and become an informer, didn't think so !!
i knew all of them personally... Jason Sylvester was a walking time bomb with a violent side and a serious drug addiction. he and his girlfriend were robbing homes on thier own to support thier habit,when they were caught and he was forced to co-operate, he did not do it over guilt!!! It was only to save his own butt... trust me after his 6 years he will be back into it and then he will return to jail for a very long time, that was and is the one that the poeple should fear not prais
I met Jay Sylvester when he was 10 years old... He always had problems... Does he deserve to be in jail?... Yes!... will it do him some good?... NO... he will come out even worse then before... However... can G.Upton be BLAMED entirely for this young mans problems... Not even!!! he's been in and out of juvenile detention centers since he was 13... and if G.Upton was so bad to Jay, why would he refer to George as a father?... and has done this on more than one occasion!!! another note would be the "Upton" family... You Cape Codders are seriously delusional!!! 'The Upton' family is a Myth that you have been living for years!!! It's YOU that make this family more than it is... The oldest son of George still lives there and is a father of 2 and a works harder than most... His oldest daughter lives in Scottsdale and has two kids and works to support her family and then there is a matter of 4 more boys... yes one is in jail, though an incredible young man, he is THERE... but spends his time as a model inmate... and taking all the steps to secure a future for himself when he gets out... the other three live in AZ where they are all working and spending there time just enjoying the AZ sun... Oooooo So tough!! seriously, get your heads out of your bullocks!!! The gentleman theif is NOT a whitey wanna be... he just is who he is!!!
only the strong survive, and only the truth matters jay sylvester blamed things on other people and never took blame for the things he did. fact. guarenteed he looks at things different doesnt matter. code is broken, so isnt he. strait snitch.thats what it is
Anonymous at 403pm.... are you on crack too??!!! All the Upton kids are con artist crack heads, bunch of wanna be thugs.... the daughter is the worst of them all... either you don't know shit, or your like a first cousin trying to convince the world your family is a bunch of saints! Arizona is a big scam... she works hard? She was fucking another dips it con man, just like her father, who was almost old enough to be her father, and thought she was untouchable... she allowed all of the illegal business ventures to be listed in her name, with her as sole owner... there are literally hundreds of lawsuits with her name on them. She sold cars she didn't own, sold stolen vehicles, sold a single car to multiple people and took their money and never delivered the car, she took on business partners for the dealership and bars/clubs and changed the locks on them, had her brothers working security, had daddy come out and visit while out on bail and "paid him a salary" ($20000 a visit, 3 or 4 days at a time), laundered money, had a ton of shell companies, kept taking out fake mortgages and loans on her 2 million dollar home and businesses that she already owned in cash (surprise!! Same scam daddy did!).. left her kids in the care of crackheads that she literally paid in crack to "watch" them (even when she got arrested, one time for over 2 months while she was indicted + held without bail). Her crack head friends lived in a garage with a futon mattress. Literally a garage/storage unit. No bathroom, no kitchen, no food, no beds... this is where she left her kids... come off the high horse... what, are you defending a girl you went to preschool with so you can try to be "cool" and say you knew her like a best friend?! Fuck off... I know them all well and wish I didn't... I worked for George and my Uncle, until he mysteriously vanished and George happened to have $900k of my grandfather's money... btw, if your so close to the Uptons... tell them all that nobody is off limits. My family can't wait to run into any one of them, for whatever reason... and let me tell you, it doesn't matter who it is either, as long as "spending time with one of them" makes someone in the family squeel about what happened and where to find my uncle... my family wouldn't be more satisfied than the code rules... an eye for an eye... even better if the outcome leads George to ultimately hang himself when he realizes the recourse of his actions led to his own family's loss, pain and agony... have a great day
My father was "involved" with George and disappeared 33 years ago. I still have no answers as to what ever happened or if he is dead or alive.
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