Jo Sansom, fourth from the left in the photo, dark tee shirt, shorts sunglasses
Mark Baker fifth from the right leaning in.
This will be the story of the Sansom family of Brighton, to start Jo Sansom
Jo Sansom left this comment on a story about Terry Boyle and here is my response
Jo Sansom said..
- Funny listening to all the old names and what went on back in the day hahahha I left Brighton around 1988/89 best move I ever made!! I will confirm with all my heart hahaha Paul Hendrie was definitely an absolute mug and definitely a grass 😜. I took all his money off him and all his pawn tickets playing him 3 card brag with marked cards 😂🤣😂🤣 the night of the Brighton bombing. We actually heard the bang and grass bollox wanted to go investigate but I kept him at the card table stripping him of all he had hahahaha still makes me laugh when I think about it! This will be the first time he hears it too 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂 you mug . Shame at that time we all new he was a mug but didn’t know he was a grass,maybe some did but I didn’t at the time. A few months later it all started to come out and he was a marked man 😂🤣😂 I remember he pulled up in Terry’s red BMW outside the little northern pub (owned by Steve,who was a very nice guy I might add. Would love to see you again Steve by the way mate if you ever read this) I was trying desperately to stab him thru the window but he managed to slip that little attack,lucky for you Paul the grass 😜 . Anyway enough said about that slimy piece of shit hope he gets cancer and dies a well deserved horrible slow death. Brian groves is one of the greatest men on this earth,a proper lovable rouge who has had his moments but is an out and out gentleman and a great friend and as solid as a rock. Wesley Douglas a gem always was and always will be in my books. Love them both dearly and trust them with my life. Micky Douglas was a lovable lunatic but you had to know him like I did to love him. We had our moments too but I have some good memories and a few mad ones 🤣😂🤣🤣 Well all you old Brighton firm except for fatty grass cunt hendrie,I hope your all well and life has been kind to you like it has for me 😜🥳🥳😜😜 they were good days and great memories but always a shame that we had those grass cunts around giving us up at the drop of a hat. But they were good days. Good luck all ✌️
Well, well, well, if it is not the scumbag Joseph Sansom from sunny Spain.
I shall reveal the truth about Jo Sansom and his history with primary and secondary evidence.
First, I can confirm Jo Sansom did indeed swindle me out of £1,000 during a cocaine fuelled evening.
Jo Sansom also made unwanted sexual advances towards me, which I politely rebuffed.
Sansom then got nasty and I made a swift exit.
Sansom then attacked me in the street causing me a bloody nose.
This was the turning point for me and I reported him to Police who raided his home arrested him and at the same time Kevin Douglas was caught with a wooden truncheon in his car and charged with possession of an offensive weapon. I later withdrew the charges and withdrew from the Brighton scene.
Fast forward to 1995 and Jo Sansom was arrested in San Diego
with an escaped Australian prisoner called Ian Hall Saxon when they were
setting up a drug deal with Max. Also arrested were an Aussie Actor and a Columbian drug dealer
They were taken back to Australia where Ian Hall Saxon was returned to jail & Jo Sansom became an official registered Police informant for the Australian Police, Jo Sansom even claimed the reward for the capture of Ian Hall Saxon which set Sansom up for a while.
This arrest of Ian Hall Saxon was a set up because Ian Hall Saxon was attracting too much heat and Max & Sansom wanted to get Hall Saxon out of the picture. At the time it was considered whether to whack Ian Hall Saxon, but Jo Sansom dropping a dime on him was the outcome.
Jo Sansom was the so called anonymous tipster calling about Ian Hall Saxon
"Authorities had been trailing Saxon ever since April 13, when San Diego FBI agents received an anonymous tip that he was in the area. The U.S. Attorney's Office issued an arrest warrant for Saxon on April 14, Caldwell said"
Next up Jo Sansom was arrested in Australia for importation of LSD from the Netherlands but was not deported back to the UK because of his Police Informant status.
In 1999 Danny King & Terry "I'm bigger than William Hill" Sansom Jnr were arrested for drug dealing etc and later sentenced to jail. Sussex Police were told about Terry Sansom and King earlier and surveillance was set as a result
Sometime later Jo Sansom was chased out of the Gold Coast due to gambling debts and also Jo Sansom was exposed as a Police Informant to some drug dealers and had to go hide out in the Northern Territories.
These details were confirmed to me by a senior Australian crime reporter who worked for the Sydney Morning Herald.
The Name Jo Sansom came up during the Australian Royal Commission on Police Corruption and use of Police Informants.
Over the years I have got reports of Jo Sansom & and his family whether he is in Bali, Malaysia or elsewhere
I gave up crime in the early 1990’s went to University gained a Master Degree whilst Jo Sansom continued his criminal career.
I have plenty more in my archives about the Sansom family and where their tentacles have spread.
Ian Hall Saxon
Metropolitan Remand Centre,
Long Bay
Escaped: March 2, 1993
Recaptured: April 22, 1995
Ian Hall Saxon pips Russell Cox for the most audacious excuse for a well-planned escape. The former rock promoter and importer of 10 tonnes of hashish was arrested in San Diego two years after disappearing from Long Bay and later told a court he had been abducted, rather than escaped.
Saxon had been arrested on January 29, 1990, by police investigating the previous year's importation of cannabis resin with a street value of $77 million.
As a rock promoter Saxon had brought Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel and Sammy Davis Jnr to Australia.
On March 2, 1993, while awaiting trial at the old Metropolitan Remand Centre, Saxon simply disappeared. He became Australia's most wanted man. Prison authorities have never learnt how he escaped but it is suspected he went out in a laundry van.
After Saxon was recaptured walking on a San Diego street two years later, he told a very different story. He had a lot to lose.
Under the Proceeds of Crime Act, absconding before trial triggers the same penalties as being convicted and jailed. In his absence, a court ordered Saxon forfeit assets seized from his Coogee garage: three gold bars, 40 gold Krugerrand and $5.3 million in cash. He had presumably not expected to get back the four one kilogram-slabs of hash.
Saxon got a hung jury at his first trial on the escape charge but subsequently admitted his guilt.
O'h and here is the Death certificate for Terry Boyle
To be continued....
Update, the weakest denial ever lol & it didn't take 35 years to hear back from Joey Sansom lol
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
🤣😂🤣🤣 and??? Paul the grass read Busted by Keith Moore. Hahahaha you are so stupid it’s funny 😂🤣😂🤣 with your made up little story’s 😂🤣😂🤣get a life Paul the grass with your MD 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂
The Sansom name should be changed to Scum-son
Terrorised Brighton & Hove since the 60's when Terry Sansom Senior fled South London in disgrace.
Terry Sansom senior died in Spain Heart attack aged 61
Derek Walpole called Terry Sansom a "Grass" whilst they were on remand in Winchester jail, proved correct when Terry Sansom walked on a drugs case whilst his brother George Sansom was found guilty, convicted and jailed:
Get it right George Sansom was the Nephew of Terry Sansom not brother
Other than that you are bang on about the rest
🤣😂🤣 ok Paul the grass I will give you a little bit of my time as you are so excited 😂 . First of all your information is all wrong,the was no max or Colombian drug lord nicked with me and my mate Ian Saxon ,it was only the two of us. You see so if you were getting proper information you would of known that. Secondly Paul the grass if I was an informer like you are then I doubt very much I would of been able to mix in the circles i mixed in 🤣😂🤣 so yep more bullshit coming from you 😂🤣Paul the grass. Seriously Paul the grass i don’t but if I did prefer the same sex company you definitely wouldn’t be my choice,fat with a moustache and a little dick 😂🤣😂🤣. Mr anonymous,George Sansom was my brother ,my dads son not his brother or his nephew. Pfff another mug mr anonymous!! Too frightened to put your name ah! 😂🤣😂. So back to Paul the grass…. M D hahahha. You see Paul the grass everything you said was wrong,gambling depts 🤣😂🤣where do you dream this bollox up from 😂🤣😂 is this what you do for a living ? I mean you can’t even do this properly! You really are a complete failure at everything you try to do! Are you still single Paul the grass? I never remember you having a girlfriend at all ever! I mean no one ever liked you,you didn’t have any real friends did you. Everyone took the piss out of you and then you ran away to hide when you became a police informer which you admit! You see Paul the grass usually if it was 20 years ago or even 10 I would come and find you a give you a well deserved beating 🤣😂🤣 but your just not worth it 😂🤣😂 you really are a clown 🤡 that’s why I’m laughing so much writing this to you. Wow what a useless mother fucker you turned out to be 🤣😂🤣 what a waste you made of your life. You see Paul the grass I have had and am having the greatest life you could ever imagen😂🤣😂 I’m retired from all the naughty things and have enough to last me 10 life times 🥳🥳🥳 I travel the world enjoying life while you sit in you little pisshole house in pevency bay is it? 🤣😂🤣 wow you did good hahhahaha oh by the way Paul the grass they are making a movie about my good friend Ian Saxon and his escape from long bay jail and his capture in California with me. So I won’t bother to try defend myself against your pathetic allagations of me being what you are ,a grass! Watch the movie soppy bollox and the truth will be told 😂🤣😂 . It’s so easy to make things up about people Paul the grass and I see you have done this quite a lot to a lot of people. You must really be in a bad place in your mind, I actually feel sorry for you ……🤣😂🤣not really 😂🤣😂🤣 and as for you mr anonymous 😂🤣😂😂 another spineless spunkless wanker hahahahaha you just stay in the shadows or crawl back under that rock because you ain’t worth the time of day! So Paul the grass hope you enjoyed this little reunion as much as I have 🤣😂🤣 keep up the good work 🤣😂🤣🤣 🤡🤡🤡. Your words mean nothing to me I just laugh at you and your stupidity. The world is full of pathetic mugs like you 😂🤣😂 and mr anonymous hahahahah now I will get back to my wonderful life and forget all about you and your silly website 😂🤣😂 have fun silly bollox 🥳🥳🥳🤣😂🤣😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jo, see this from a respectable media newspaper from the mouth of Ian Hall Saxon
No mention of Jo Sansom being arrested, wonder why???
Could it be because Jo Sansom was the tipster and later collected the reward offered for the capture of Ian Hall Saxon?
If trafficking and selling class A drugs is a measure of success, and as evident, you lack basic accademic skills, then that is a tragedy
See this quote from the article linked below
"A car had been waiting for him, and ‘Australia’s most wanted man’, who would soon have a record bounty of$250,000 on his head, was free.
‘I had no idea that we would pull it off,’ Saxon said.
‘But we did. I didn’t care if I was caught because I had had enough. But I wasn’t. I was out.’
Saxon became an enigma — a code nobody could crack and a man nobody could catch. Some said he was in Asia, sitting on a beach with a bag of cash. Others said he was dead. But nobody knew where he was or how he had got out. With an enormous reward for his capture, and former friends giving him up, Saxon was found 750 days after his escape. With the help of the FBI, Saxon was handcuffed and thrown into a police van in San Diego, USA, on 22 April1995. He was captured alongside Colombian drug lord Fabio Garcia, the father of ‘Tap Dog’ and Australian actor Adam Garcia"
The three Sansom brothers Grim
your brother Terry & your Brother George are both convicted Drug dealers, your father and you both avoided convictions by being Police informants in UK & Australia, well, as Meatloaf said
Now don't be sad, cause two out of three ain't bad
My old car dealer dad warned me to steer clear of the Sansom family all those years ago, seems like the offspring followed in their fathers footsteps
21-4-61 24 year old Terence Sansom a car dealer was yesterday cleared at the Old Bailey, for Capital Murder on charge of murdering payroll guard James Hawney (20) who was bludgeoned to death when a gang ambushed a London bus and snatched £9,400 wages at Wimbledon on Jan. 26th. Cleared of the charge of being an accessory after the fact was John Edwin Dodd (29) also a car dealer.
The Death penalty was still in force in the Uk at the time, not abolished until 1965
If Terry Sansom had been found guilty he would have been sentenced to Hang by the neck until pronounced dead & Jack Mills would not have been coshed and later died seven years later,why because Terry Sansom was the Great train robber in 1963 who coshed Jack Mills but there was not enough evidence to charge Terry Samson or his brother George Sansom & Danny boy because unlike the other Great Train Robbers Terry & George Sansom & Danny Pembroke all wore gloves throughout the robbery and aftermath, left no forensic evidence and also Terry Sansom gave back some of his £150,000 share of the Great Train Robbery by getting Freddie Forman to leave £50,000 in a telephone box where Police could recover it. Police already had most Great Train Robbers and the Sansom brothers & Danny Boy were allowed to slip the noose because police wanted to concentrate on other Great Train Robbers Buster, Ronnie Bruce etc This was not the first or last time Terry Sansom made a deal with Police
Memo to Jo Sansom:
Turbo Paul Hendry M.A. here, trying to put my M.A. to good use.
Every Drug dealer in history has said when arrested “Not me Gov, I have retired”
Jo, you say you have retired & have enough money to last ten lifetimes, meaning millions, great good for you.
You portray yourself as a Mel Gibson type character in the Tequila Sunrise movie.
However, with the recent developments in the high echelons of the global drug trade you might get a call to organise the drug dealers favourite saying “One last load”
We have seen Raffaele Imperiale arrested in Dubai and the net is closing in on Daniel Kinahan therefore leaving a void as they have been the so-called Super cartel. This means some so-called retired drug dealers will be sought out to pick up the slack.
My advice is if you really do have the ten lifetimes worth of money, millions, reject all offers out of hand, no more “One last load” when in doubt, leave it, out walk away, live to fight another day.
The allure of tens of millions would not increase your current lifestyle if indeed you have retired with millions so why on earth would you be lured back
Remember Pacino “Just as I thought I was out; they drag me back in”
The unwarranted attack on me, totally out of the blue, was uncalled for and I shall defend myself as the pen is mightier than the sword
As you have noted I really don’t give a fuck and if attacked I will defend myself no matter who it is
Threats of an unfortunate nature towards me are absurd as it would bring the spotlight upon you
One last thing, if you ever get any offers on stolen art, no matter how valuable, it WILL all end in tears, no money will be paid unless there are arrests, and even then only crumbs would be thrown, hence why I have only commentated on art crime for decades, but make no mistake the Private Art Detective will collect between 10-25% of the insurance claim, again, if in doubt, leave it out, walk away, live to fight another day.
“Here endeth the lesson”
Jo Sansom said " Mr anonymous,George Sansom was my brother ,my dads son not his brother or his nephew. Pfff another mug mr anonymous!! Too frightened to put your name ah! 😂🤣😂"
He speaks of George Sansom in the past tense "Was" does this mean George Sansom is dead?
Was this you Jo Sansom, grassing up to collect a reward from your Guardia Civil paymasters?
Northampton: Cocaine worth £78m seized by police
Northamptonshire Police seized £78m worth of cocaine at Brackmills Industrial EstateImage
Northamptonshire Police said the 780kg of cocaine, with a street value of up to £78m, constituted the biggest drug raid it had ever made
Jo Sansom retired but collecting cash from grassing others up, this from earlier this year
The Sansom family have always been known as the "Speed Kings"
Spanish police seize record haul of synthetic drugs
More than 800,000 ecstasy tablets among largest such confiscation in country’s history
Last modified on Mon 11 Jan 2021 12.22 GMT
Spanish police have seized 827,000 ecstasy tablets, 76kg of speed, 39.5kg of crystal meth and 217 litres of liquid amphetamine in the country’s largest confiscation of synthetic drugs.
Eleven people – from Spain, the Netherlands, Romania, Colombia and Italy – were arrested during a joint investigation by the Guardia Civil and national police forces, according to a statement. It said specialist officers had come under fire from a member of the gang while raiding one of their properties.
The gang – described as “the most important criminal organisation dedicated to the manufacture and trafficking of synthetic drugs in the history of Spanish drug trafficking” – funded its operations by smuggling huge quantities of hashish and marijuana to the UK and the Netherlands.
Jo Samsom looks like a clown his emojis are fitting . That prick ruined my childhood holiday . Scum
Jo Sansom can celebrate Xmas now, retired from the drug game, but grassing others up as his pension:
Cocaine with a street value of £90m has been found in a banana shipment during an armed raid at a Kent port.
Six men - including a security guard - were arrested after 100 officers swooped at Sheerness port in the early hours of Monday.
A seventh man was held in Hertfordshire, said the National Crime Agency (NCA), which led the raid.
The 1.2 tonnes of cocaine seized at the port had arrived in the UK from Costa Rica.
All seven men have been charged with conspiring to import class A drugs, and are due to appear at Medway Magistrates' Court later.
The drugs arrived to Sheerness from Costa Rica
Those charged are Michael Turner, 54, from Hertfordshire, Kyle Davidson, 30, and Danny Laird, 38, both from Buntingford, Hertfordshire, Ian Woodward, 33, from Ware, Hertfordshire, Joel McCaughey, 31, from Castlefield, Manchester, Darren Laurie, 50, of no fixed address, and Sam Elphick, 27, from Sheerness.
The facts are Terry Sansom Snr did have a brother George Sansom who died before Terry Snr. Terry Sansom Snr had a son by his relationship with Teresa (before he met Beryl) they had a son George. So the George Sansom Joey Sansom is talking about I suspect, is actually his step brother.
I have recently been made aware of allegations made against Jo Sansom by someone I’d never previously heard of named Paul Hendry. I haven’t been in contact with Jo for many years but have always considered him to be a good mate. Jo has never done anything for me to have reason to believe otherwise. Certainly it was not Jo who made an anonymous tip for me to be recaptured near San Diego back in 1995. Both Jo and myself know exactly how my recapture came about and who was responsible. Which either makes Hendry a liar or gullible enough to believe the media bullshit as to how that arrest came about and to my knowledge no reward was ever claimed. Fingers of suspicion were pointed at Jo when we both arrived (separately) back in Australia and it could have made life uncomfortable for Jo if he had not been given bail and beaten his charges shortly thereafter. I don’t know the person named Max that Paul Hendry has referred to and of course nor am I familiar with the names of any of the people from the earlier days of Jo and Paul. My own connections to Jo came about via Australian villains who are now dead but who had links to Jo’s dad back in the day. Similarly Paul Hendry has used distorted facts about me in compiling a profile that rehashes media reports that were just distorted facts that they chose to run. It was in the best interests of the AFP and their media stooges to create a larger than life character. The police needed the brownie points and the journos needed to sell papers. Bottom line is that IMHO Jo is certainly not and never would be a police informant. So easy to accuse. I recent years I have also been accused of being a snitch though even blind Freddy would be aware that snitches don’t serve close to two decades of hard time. Thereby hangs a tale indeed and I have thus far resisted book and movie offers or even interviews. I am well into my twilight years and choose just to live quietly with my beloved dog. I am prepared to sacrifice some of that anonymity in defence of my mate Jo Sansom who will always Neva top bloke in my book
Ian Saxon, thank you for the belated response and your defence of Joey Sansom is a noble, but somewhat misguided affair.
However, I would like to invite you to come on a Live stream I do and we can speak like men about Joey Sansom in an orderly manner.
Danny & Pedro would disagree with your opinions of Joey Sansom but we can speak about it all when you come on my Live. No need to show your face you can just speak with an avatar.
My YouTube channel is Art Hostage see below and the Live section gives details of my daily Live shows.
I am also on Twitter and have over 10k followers to make sure you get the right account.
You can send me a private message on twitter
Art Hostage YouTube:
Art Hostage Twitter:
Thank you for the offer though I shall decline thank you. I know no people named Danny and Pedro) so if they disagree with what I wrote it hardly matters. All I am doing is clearing the record regarding the accusations that Jo grassed me. He and I are both well aware how my recapture came about and the reward was never collected. Ian
Whoever made that comment claiming to be 'Ian Saxon', is not Ian Saxon. Sounds more like Jo Sansom's wife Gail or a close associate of Sansom trying to throw the scent off of Jo being a grass.
From 1993 - 1995 Sansom was on the run for LSD importing/dealing plus a few other shitty charges in Australia. He made his way (conveniently) to San Diego, USA early 1995. Jo needed to get back to Australia, get off those charges and settle down with Gail.
Somehow he's hooked up with Saxon, Max, Fabio and Adam plus Australian duo Danny and Pedro. Danny and Pedro got suspicious vibes off Sansom, he was being careless and living large (loud), so they very smartly parted ways with that crew. However not before they witnessed Jo make a phone call to Australia from the hotel/apartment room that Ian Saxon was staying at. That phone call was made deliberately by Sansom back to Australia to a hot number. i.e A number (location) that Jo knew was under surveillance/tapped (probably to Gail) which then led the tip off to the FBI who then tracked and watched Saxon and his crew for a week, confirmed who they were and what they were up and then moved in and arrested them including Jo (to make it look more genuine).
Soon after arriving in Sydney Australia, Jo was miraculously bailed and released.
Ever since then he has been an informant for the Australian Federal Police and quiet possibly as you mentioned a top UK informant also.
Jo you were outed back in 1995 in Sydney Australia well and truly you fucken grass cunt.
If the real Ian Saxon ever reads this, mate Jo Sansom sunk you. That is a fact.
Google “Paul Hendry” it speaks for itself. Good result at court Paul the grass 🤣😂🤣 be funny if you end up in jail!! You will have some fun in there 🤣😂🤣 😁. Love Jo 😉
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